“El Pilar Mountain is a forestry mass of Mediterranean woodland of 804 hectares of which 446 belongs to the municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón, 249 to Majadahonda and 109 to Madrid. It’s natural continuation of the Regional Park of the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares that has been artificially separated from it by the A6 and the urbanizations which, built during the last half of the last century, extend in its two margins. The area is easily accessible by public transport. See my previous post here”. Este texto escrito en inglés pero de fácil traducción al español pertenece al blog “A Crime Is Afoot. From Noir To Cosy And Everything In Between”, del bloguero José Ignacio Escribano. En realidad escribe sobre libros, pero esta vez la lectura es sobre una Guía Natural de Majadahonda.
Su entrada “OT: Madrid Green Routes From Public Transport Stations” con sus fotos de Majadahonda (“My pictures of yesterday with my hiking group) descubren ese texto no muy conocido: la “Ruta Verde” por el Monte del Pilar de Majadahonda que ha editado el Consorcio de Transportes y puede descargarse desde MJD Magazin. (La Ruta Verde “Monte del Pilar” de Majadahonda can be downloaded here (in Spanish). Y ha tenido eco hasta en Canadá. Desde allí Bill Selnes escribió cn sana envidia: “Jose Ignacio: The Green Route looks lovely. I am sure it relaxes you. There is no green yet in Saskatchewan. It is normally May before our province becomes green again”, a lo que el autor responde: “Thank you Bill. I understand how you feel having to wait until May”.
“The green routes from public transport stations is a program carried out jointly by Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid and Metro de Madrid, to promote walking and bicycle riding on natural spaces and parks within our region from public transport stations”, explica José Luis Escribano para sus lectores en lengua inglesa. “The green routes information is offered through posters in public transport stations that give access to such routes. These posters display the number of kilometres, difficulty level, number of stations giving access to the route and the profile, i.e. if it is for walking, adventure or sport, so each citizen may decide which is the most interesting to them or which adapts better to their physical status. Furthermore, for each route, the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid has prepared a route book, which can be downloaded on PDF format. Access time for bicycle to public transport is from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM and from 21:00 PM to closing on working days, and during all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Additionally, folded bicycles no limit when accessing the network”, concluye el bloguero.
El autor: “Welcome to The Game’s Afoot, now A Crime is Afoot. My name is Jose Ignacio. In my spare time I developed a taste for classic and contemporary crime fiction. The purpose of this blog is just to keep track of the books I read. Please bear with me, I’m not a scholar, only an aficionado. Unless stated otherwise, I’ve bought the books I read. I write for my amusement and to help readers find new authors. I am not paid for these reviews and the opinions expressed here are my own. As a matter of principle, I don’t read books as a consequence of unsolicited requests”.
¡Que interesante que se de a conocer en otros países! La verdad es que hay casas en Majadahonda de obra nueva que son preciosas y pueden encontrarse a buen precio. Un lugar ideal para vivir si además trabajas en la capital.